Saturday, June 28, 2014

Students Fight Back Against False Allegations...As should we ALL

Students of False Allegations Fight Back...

"...there is a presumption of guilt put upon the accused.."

This single comment captures the entire issue

With regards to the US Military and the UCMJ...this politically charged feeding frenzy has not only diluted the plight of real victims, but it has caused an entire Legal Process to implode on itself

Innocent lives, families and communities are all suffering

Do real assaults happen - Sadly the answer is Yes and We all agree, but do people LIE and blame others for actions - Sadly the answer is also YES.

As always let me be very clear...

I have a ZERO TOLERANCE for any PROVEN assault of a man or woman...but...WE should ALL have a ZERO TOLERANCE for one innocent man or woman to be charged and jailed because a process did not investigate...because a commander didn't want to be questioned by a Member of Congress...because a young prosecutor is not capable of making an unbiased review of the case...

Our legal system says that there MUST BE PROOF...Beyond a Reasonable Doubt....

Then I (we) have the RIght to expect a full investigation of both parties...not just the accused...
Validate physical and Medical Facts...if any...

Investigate and Search the home of the allegation to invalidate the allegation...
DO what the Law requires and either validate a crime has occurred or DROP the CASE and Move on...

How much Money and Time is wasted by NOT doing your job to ensure that a crime has actually occurred? 

How many lives have been ruined by False Allegations?

And for the nay-sayers...Every report ever written says that False Allegations are REAL...I could care less about the actual number...

Just ONE False Allegation that leads to the conviction of an Innocent man or woman is one too many !!!

and YES - This could happen to you!!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Mandatory HIV Training for Prosecutors including ALL UCMJ officials

Mandatory HIV Training for ALL UCMJ Prosecutors

This should be a MANDATORY required block of instruction for all UCMJ SJA offices and representatives from the US ARMY JAG SCHOOL

Don't miss out on this opportunity

Wednesday, June 11, 2014