The Army appellate panel has the opportunity to READ the Record of Trial and FIX this injustice.
I am making an OPEN OFFER to the US ARMY to conduct the phylogenetic testing of my initial blood sample and your (CH) blood sample that is on file with the US ARMY HIV RESEARCH LAB in Maryland to PROVE that I am NOT the source of your HIV.
The US ARMY has a ethical and professional obligation to ensure that a crime actually occurred and this test was and is available to PROVE my INNOCENCE.
There is NO REASON on earth for you NOT to honor this request.
If you truly care about "Good Order and Conduct" then you will do this...Only with Truth and Honesty about what a few individuals did and failed to do, will we as an Army grow and better ourselves.
I beseech the Army Criminal Court of Appeals panel to have the professional courage to LOOK at the FACTS and acknowledge that there are NO FACTS/NO EVIDENCE to find me guilty of touching or exposing CH to HIV.
1LTCH, you admitted to lying, stealing passwords, hacking into email and a website ALL under Federal Oath at the Article 32 hearing. This is a FACT and I have the official audio recording of that testimony.
As many of you know, Elliot Scott Henney, has come forward publicly to recant his testimony. He describes being threatened by the Army prosecutor, being lied to about the facts of the case and about me, and being misled in his testimony.
Scott if you read this...I forgive you.
I am sickened by what you told my mom in an email you sent her...
What CPT S and the SJA at the Military District of Washington SJA and Command did to you is beyond reprehensible.
There was NO investigation into the allegations CH made against me.
They "used" Scott Henney as a false witness to bolster what was an unfounded case.
COL Hargis, the trial judge, if you did not hear the testimony of Scott Henney, you would have found me innocent.
Its never too late for the TRUTH...I beg you Sir...PLEASE REVIEW your findings...
If CH is reading a new New York State barred attorney, you have an obligation to submit to this exam.
If you have nothing to HIDE then you will do this...
If you do not then I will do everything legally in my power to FORCE this test and will NEVER STOP until my NAME is cleared.
You ADMITTED to lying, stealing, identity theft ALL under oath, and the NEW YORK BAR will be provided a copy of this unethical conduct which is on the record from the UCMJ Article 32 hearing.
Just like the last text message you sent to me in your attempt to BLACKMAIL me, and my attorney's and I still have the actual text message, YOU CAN END THIS NOW...
CLEAR my NAME and go on with your life
I don't know if you are capable morally/ethically but I have to hold on to HOPE there is something in you that feels regret to what you did to me and to my family.
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