Even, in the wake of such a tragedy, having a few very evil, hateful people in the ranks take everything away from me...my career, my retirement, my access to medical care, even my ability to future employment...
I can honestly say I am grateful
I would not be alive if it were not for my family, friends, neighbors and the co-workers that believe in me.
Even after learning that some of the younger officer's and a single civilian employee, who went as far as to go to Bethesda Naval Medical Center and find out my private medical information and then take that information and try to hurt me in the office...she said terrible things about me...
They can't take away the dedication I had for all of them...I am still grateful.
I know those comments were based on fear, ignorance and prejudice surrounding 3 letters...HIV.
I could NEVER hurt a soul...and I know as all of you reflect...I did everything to keep my personal life separate and out of the drama of our close-knit Army office.
I love "my" Army and my work as an Infantry officer and Strategic Force Management officer. I tried to teach and do the right thing all the time for every single soldier in the force and my co-workers...I had the privilege of serving with some of America's best...
I am grateful for the amazing FA50 Force Management mentors and friends I made over the years and I hope they will always know how thankful I am for them and all that they taught me.
Recently, and yet again, I have seen just how broken the UCMJ process truly is...
Without an investigation, without ANY evidence...
My accuser CH admitted to lying, stealing passwords, hacking into a personal website and yahoo account, false information to the Army prosecution and to CID...ALL UNDER OATH at the Article 32 hearing...
We now even have testimony that my accuser, CH, went to a sex party, used crystal meth and never told anyone his HIV status...then less than 12 hours later he testified against me...
My family and I opened our home to you CH.
WE welcomed you into our home without any judgment...and you have ruined our lives with your personal choices and lies.
WHY? Why would you do this?
We found John Doe in Atlanta that you even accused of "infecting" you with HIV....again blaming others for your personal choices, but WHY ME?
I did NOTHING to you...
I listened on the phone when you complained about your company commander...
I listened on the phone when you were afraid of deploying to Iraq...
I did NOTHING but try to be an ear and voice of hope and comfort...
The primary witness, "used" against me...has now come forward and wants to help overturn the courts martial against me...
Uniformed JAG officer's threatened and lied to him...all to save their career's and give a perception that they handled a sexual assault allegation and save inquiries from Capitol Hill...
This young man, EH, is a victim of this broken process just as I am ...
EH, my family and I, are here for you...We want to help you do the right thing and help clear both your name and mine...
I pray everyday that you will follow through on your offer to do everything possible to fix this...
Even now, a panel of 3 military judges, shrugged their responsibility and ignored, 3000 pages of FACTS and EVIDENCE denied at trial...
They ignored my families testimony, as the physical witness in the home that it was IMPOSSIBLE to have anything CH said occur...
They chose to ignore ALL science and Medical evidence which PROVED there was NO MEANS LIKELY to expose CH to HIV.
They chose to point to a yahoo chat log, which CH admitted under oath to hacking as the "proof of a sexual contact...
The Army Appellate panel took the easy and cowards way out...You should be ashamed for wearing the Army uniform.
There is NO way, if you read the clemency packet, record of trial, defense appellate brief and ALL of the evidence, that you could remotely find grounds to affirm my conviction, but you did...
For that, I am calling each of you a coward...and an embarrassment to the Army in which you serve...
Even after all of this...
I will NEVER WAIVER...I will go to my grave knowing that I am INNOCENT...
I did NOT touch 1LT CH...
Even after all of this...
I am still grateful...
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