Incredibly in depth article from an experienced attorney. Each element he
lists can be directly tied to my case.
It sickens me to know that a supposed professional organization such as the
Army CID unit at Fort Myer, VA and the SJA and Commander of the Military
District of Washington could act in such a way, as to willfully destroy my life
and 26 year career with a complaining witness who, under oath admitted to
Stealing Passwords from my home, Hacking into my email account and a website,
Lying to Federal Prosecutors, Lying to Federal Investigators and Lying to a
Federal Agency...
TO top this all off, the military judge denies my request for a 30 day
delay after the Army and Air Force denied my request for an attorney for one
year...He denies DIRECT evidence from the complaining witness of a risky sex
life described as "TNTC" to numerous to count in the same one year period as the
allegation Then the judge calls the physical witnesses liars because they are
my family...admitted to be in my home by the complaining witness.
There was NO investigation of my home or any of the facts (see the record
of trial)
It DID NOT happen and the Army knows it...
There was NO Assault
There was NO Exposure to HIV
Where is Senator Gillibrand, my US Senator, in supporting my case as a real
victim of a false sexual assault allegation?
Senator, I can prove it. Why won't you talk to my family or to me?
I was prosecuted because of 3 letters...HIV
If I was HIV negative there would have been no case.
If I was HIV negative
the military judge would have thrown the case out.
If I was HIV negative I
would not have been discriminated against by the Army I still love and
I am NOT going to stop talking until they give me my life back.
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