Wednesday, August 21, 2013

H.R. 1843: REPEAL HIV Discrimination Act of 2013

I offer this as a source of education with the hope that you will take time to read and support the passage of this law.

Having HIV is not a crime...but the virus is still being singled out as a source of fear and discrimination...Families and careers are being destroyed.

HIV is not a death is, by definition, a chronic manageable disease.

Just because I am HIV positive...the Army I served for 26 years chose to press charges against me for "exposure" not infecting a person, but some how exposing a person. 

IF I was HIV negative there was no crime.  I did not touch this person and have the facts to prove it.

This person is on record for lying to criminal prosecutors, lying to criminal investigators, stealing passwords from my home, "hacking" into a website and email account and falsifying federal documents...All of this is under oath at the Article 32 hearing.

Yet ALL of this and physical and medical FACTS were denied and dismissed by a sitting military judge.

WHY?  WHy would the "gate keeper" of justice deny and dismiss evidence?  WHy would a prosecutor chose to pursue the case?

The environment of sexual assault allegations in the military has given birth to this sad state of perceived justice in our military.

I will NOT stop telling my story.  My family and I have nothing to hide.

I want my life back and the ability to take care of my family into the future.

I am the victim.

The Repeal Act is one step to help bring a directed legal review of WHY and HOW the US Army chose to prosecute me.

PLEASE ask your Members of Congress to support H.R. 1843.

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